Afg’onistondagi Tolibon hukumati Amudaryodan yangi katta kanal ochishni reja qilmoqda. Kanal 280 km uzunlikda, 100 metr kenglikda va 8.5 metr chuqurlikda qurilishi 2022 yil mart oyidanoq boshlangan.
Loyiha 5 yil davom etishi va bu orqali Afg’onistonning qishloq ho’jaligi sohasida o’zini o’zi taminlay oaldigan holga kelishi ko’zda tutilgan. Loyiha 680 million AQSH dollariga tushishi baholanmoqda.
Tolibon hukumati rasmiy saytida esa quyidagicha ma’lumotlar qoldirilgan.
Area of Qushtipa Canal:
According to the current design of Qushtipa Canal, it is 285 km long, 100 meters wide and 8.5 meters deep, starting from Kaldar district of Balkh province and passing through the deserts of Haridran, Dawlatabad and Balkh districts, Jawzjan, Faizabad, Aqchi and others and passes through many areas and eventually it can irrigate about 30 lakh acres of agricultural land of Faryab and Andakhoi districts Aas well.
Requirement of Qushtipa Canal:
The canal has a capacity to transfer 650 cubic meters of water per second with a height of 6.5 meters and a capacity of 10 billion cubic meters of water in a year.
Qushtipa Canal Annual Budget:
The Islamic Emirate has initially prepared a budget of six billion AFN for the year 2022/23.
Important features of Qushtipa Canal:
The Qushtipa Canal to be completed in six years also has other minor canals and sub-projects to irrigate areas of Balkh province.
The completion of this big project will not only bring a great revolution and change in the field of agriculture, grains and other agricultural products in the country, but also the completion of this project will make the country self-sufficient in grains and agricultural products and we will also export grains. will Apart from agriculture, the canal will also contribute to the stability and environmental protection of the region and even contribute to climate change and transparency.
Afghanistan is one of the countries rich in water resources. But unfortunately the water of our country is wasted without any use. We will take concrete steps in water management at the country level, God willing, the technical team is working on practical projects in this regard.
Phases of Qushtipa Canal:
The Qushtipa Canal has three stages, the first stage is 108 km long, it starts from Amu river and reaches Dawlatabad district of Balkh province.
The length of the second phase is 177 km starting from Dawlatabad in Balkh, passing through Aqchi district in Jawzjan province to Andkhoi district in Faryab province.
The third step is the distribution of sub-canals on agricultural land.
The project will be completed in six years, with one year for completion of the first phase and five years for the remaining two phases.
The canal apart from irrigating agricultural lands, we will also have agricultural farms which will provide land, housing and employment to millions of people.
Afghanistan country will move towards self-sufficiency, it will no longer need foreign aid, and Afghanistan will be among the most important grain exporters in the region, God willing.
Canal Status and Recent Developments:
Work is currently underway on the first phase of the 108-km long Qushtipa Canal project at 104 points from Kaldar district to Dawlatabad.
3200 employees are working on the said project with 2250 machines in the field. So far 22 km of canal work has been completed through which 33 million cubic meters of soil has been moved. At present, the work of diverting the water of Amu River along with 250 meters of water dam at zero point on the banks of Amu is in progress.
Construction of two bridges along the Haritaran road, one of which is for the Haritaran to Mazar-e-Sharif transit road.
It flows in two points and 400,000 cubic meters of soil is extracted from it every day. We are excavating 100,000 cubic meters of soil more than our daily plan. With the help of Allah we will complete this project before the scheduled time. We pay an average of over 30 million Afghani to investment companies daily.
The overall pace of the project is estimated at 30 percent, which shows the commitment of the leadership of the Islamic Emirate.
Mening izohim:
- Ushbu masalada Afg’onistonning kirib kelishi ertami kechmi kutilayotgandi va muhim o’yinchi o’laroq Afg’onistonning ham Amudaryodan foydalanish huquqini hech kim rad eta olmaydi.
- Muammo shundaki, Afg’oniston shu paytgacha bo’lgan Markaziy Osiyo davlatlari orasida tuzilgan Amudaryoga oid shartnomalarga qo’shilmagan. Bu esa unga nisbatan biror bir huquq yoki majburiyatni ham yuklamaydi.
- Endi esa Afg’onistondan quyi oqimda joylashgan O’zbekiston va Turkmaniston davlatlari suv oqimini Tolibon hukumati bilan kelishib olishi lozim, bo’lmasa ularning hududlarida jiddiy ma’noda suv taqchilligi kuzatilishi mumkin.
- Muhimi shundaki, Markaziy Osiyo davlatlari amalda Toliblar bilan faol iqtisodiy aloqalarni yo’lga qo’yayotgan bo’lsada (Tojikison istisno), biroq, Tolibon hukumatini Afg’onistonning rasmiy hukumati o’laroq tan olayotgani yo’q. Ushbu fonda Amudaryo masalasining chiqishi ularni noqulay vaziyatga solishi aniq.
- Transafg‘on temiryo‘li qurilishi bo’yicha jiddiy manfaatlarni ko’zlayotgan O’zbekiston uchun esa Toliblar bilan muzokara qilish yanada qiyinlashadi. Shu sababli ham O’zbekistonda bundan keyingi 5-6 yildan keyingi suv taqchilligiga hozirlik ko’rib, tezkorlik bilan suvni tejashga oid zamonaviy uslublarni qo’llashni boshlash lozim.