Complete list of publications and presentations, 3 May 2020Publications with peer review process

Umirdinov, A.(2013): Toushichuusaini okeru kazeifunsou -toushiukeirekokuno sairyokennohogo wo chuushinni -[Investment Treaty Arbitration and Protection of Host State’s Discretion Power in Tax Disputes], Japanese Yearbook of International Economic Law, 191-215 (In Japanese)

Umirdinov, A. (2015): The End of Hibernation of Stabilization clause in Investment Arbitration: Reassessing Its Contribution to Sustainable Development, Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, The Sutton Colloquium Special Edition, Volume 43(4), 454-486.

Umirdinov, A.(2015): Expert opinion: Exxon v Russia: What are the Possible Legal Outcomes?, CIS Arbitration Forum.

Umirdinov, A. (2016): The case for an Advisory Center for ICSID, Columbia FDI Perspectives, No.175

Umirdinov, A.(2015): Sharing Responsibilities on Corruption Allegations in Investor-State Arbitration ~ The Contribution of Metal-Tech v. Uzbekistan~, Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics, Volume 264, 43-83.

Umirdinov, A. (2017): Shigentaikokuno Kazafusutan -Sono SOE nitaishite ikanaru kokusaikeizaihoutekikiritsuga dounyusareteirunoka?- [Natural Resources Giant Kazakhstan: What kind of international economic regulation framework is applicable to its SOEs?] RIETI Discussion Paper, 17-J-029, 1-30 (in Japanese)

Umirdinov, A. (2019): Generating a Reform of the BRI from the Inside: Japan’s Contribution Via Soft Law Diplomacy? RIETI Discussion Paper, 19-E-076, 1-24.

Umirdinov, A.*, Turakulov, V. (2019): The Last Bastion of Protectionism in Central Asia: Uzbekistan’s Auto Industry in Post-WTO accession, Trade L.& Dev., Volume 11, No.2, 301-333.

Submitted publications with peer review process

Umirdinov, A. (2020): Understanding China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative against the International Economic Law Landscape of Central Asia, in Dai Tamada and Fujio Kawashima (eds.,) Legal Issues of SOE Across International Economic Law and Investment Law, Springer (editor’s acknowledgement of receipt enclosed)

Publications without peer review process

Umirdinov, A.(2010): Xalqaro iqtisodiy huquq sohasi va uning bugungi muammolari [The Theory of International Economic Law and Its Problems], Journal of Young Scholars, Tashkent State Institute of Law, Volume 1, 246-251 (in Uzbek)

Hayashi, Sh., Umirdinov, A*(2012): Tenkankino Uzebkisutan kyousouhou -genjo to kadai – [Competition Law of Uzbekistan in Transition- current situation and challenges], in Tsuchida, K (ed.) International Enforcement of Antimonopoly Law, Nihonhyoronsha, 259-302 (In Japanese)

Umirdinov, A. (2014): Apex of Liberalization in the Era of Resource Nationalism? ~Trends and Developments of Oil and Gas Law and Policy in Uzbekistan~, Jahrbuch für Ostrecht, 55 Volume No.2, 281-312.

Umirdinov, A. (2016): The Impact of Investment Treaty Law on Tax Policies of Host States, Turkish Journal of Legal Studies, Vol.1, No.1, 53-75.

Umirdinov, A. (2017): Dispute Preventive Measures in International Investment Arbitration, in Alexander Bruns and Masabumi Suzuki (eds.,) Preventive Instruments of Social Governance, Mohr Siebeck, 69-90.

Otakhonov,F., Umirdinov, A.* (2018): Commercial Arbitration in Uzbekistan, in Kaj Hobér and Yaraslau Kryvoi (eds.,) Arbitration in the CIS Region, Kluwer Law International, Ch.11, 439-483.  

Umirdinov, A. (2018): Protection of Host State’s Fiscal Power in Investment Arbitration – Lessons for developing countries, in Le Thi Anh Nguyet (ed.) International Investment Dispute Settlements of UNCITRAL and ICSID: Implication for Vietnam, Ho Chi Min, 1-27.

Umirdinov, A. (2019): Abuse of Fiscal Power by Host States in Investment Arbitration, in Alexander Bruns, Masabumi Suzuki (eds.,) Reactive Instruments of Social Governance, Mohr Siebeck, pp.53-81

Umirdinov, A. (2020): Uzubekisutanni okeru toushichuusai -tennnennshigentoushi wo meguru kazeimondai wo sozaini-[Foreign Investment Protection in Uzbekistan ~the Case of Natural Resource-related Tax Disputes ~], Meikei Law Review, Issue 44, 1-44 (In Japanese)

  • Translations
  1. Hakimov, A., Umirdinov, A.* (2020) Huquq faniga kirish [Introduction to Law], Lesson Press, Tashkent, 280 pp.(from Japanese into Uzbek).  Original author: Makoto, I. (2017): Hougaku nyumon, Nihonhyoronsha, Japan, 200 pp.
  • Book review
  • Umirdinov, A. (2013): The Interpretation of International Investment Law: Equality, Discrimination and Minimum Standards of Treatment in Historical Context. (Todd Weiler, Brill | Nijhoff, 2013, 525 pp) British Yearbook of International Law 83 (1): 187-190.
  • Umirdinov, A.(2015): Cultural Heritage in International Investment Law and Arbitration (By Valtentina Vadi, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 374 pp) Japanese Yearbook of Japanese International Economic Law, Volume 24, 193-197.
  • Umirdinov, A.(2018): Treaty shopping in international investment law (Jorun Baumgartner, Oxford University Press, 2016, 400 pp) Japanese Yearbook of Japanese International Economic Law, Volume 27, 243-253.
  • Presentations

2007, April 21, `Is the legal control of Internet possible? ` Information Technology and Legal Problems of Information Safety Conference,Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2007(In Uzbek)

-2009, August 27- `The role of Japanese Legal and Education centre in Uzbekistan~ Legal assistance for developing world~ our challenges`, Ministry of Justice, Tokyo, Japan (In Japanese)

-2009, November 19-20 – `The Possibility of Evolving Rules of Indirect Expropriation`, FeedForth International Conference, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Nagoya ,Japan(In English)

-2010,September 23-24- `Protection of oil and gas investment in Commonwealth of Independent States ~from international and domestic perspective ~`The Uzbek –Japan Academic Forum, Nagoya, Japan (In English)

-2011, August 18-20- `Expropriation of Intellectual Property Rights under International Investment Agreements: the Case of Compulsory Licensing` International Conference on “Law and Multi-agential Governance: An Impact of Law on Market, Competition and/or Innovation”, Essay contest winner, Hokkaido University School of Law, Sapporo, Japan(In English)

-2012, November 24- `Investment Treaty Arbitration and Protection of Host State`s Discretion Power in Tax Disputes ` Annual conference of Japan Association of International Economic Law, City University of Osaka, Japan (In Japanese)

-2013, November 28- `Conflict between domestic policies and international obligations of the State on taxation- seeking a theoretical clarification and policy implications ` International workshop, SOAS, University of London, London, UK(In English)